Glee is a teen drama show that ran for six seasons, and although it was filled with cliché tropes and scenarios, its musicality is what brought it to life. Narrowing down my top five favorite cover songs almost seemed impossible!
In no particular order, we first have “Bust Your Windows,” sung by Amber Riley as Mercedes, from the first season. Safe to say, this song gave me a reason to continue watching the show. Her vocal range fits the song incredibly, making her the ideal candidate to cover this song. She manages to maintain a deep tone while hitting the high notes.
From season three, I thoroughly enjoyed “Smooth Criminal,” sung by Grant Gustin as Sebastian and Naya Rivera as Santana. I appreciate the uniqueness of the instrumental choice—the cello gave a special depth to its iconic cover. I liked how it was framed as a duet battle and the cello picks up the pace towards the end with Rivera’s high-pitched vocals. It definitely gives off Michael Jackson vibes and honors his unique vocals and creativity. If it wasn’t obvious already, my favorite singers are Riley and Rivera, and low and behold in season one, we got a duet of them singing “The Boy is Mine”. When Riley and Rivera sing, you can tell they sing deep from their soul as they hit each note. Plus, their vocal ranges paired together give off the same energy as Brandy and Monica.
Lea Michele as Rachel Barry is known for her theatrical song covers, although “Telephone,” sung by Michele and Jake Zyrus as Sunshine, from season two caught my attention. It’s a short upbeat cover, but stands out through their tones meshing well. Zyrus and Michele are strong vocalists, so it’s interesting to see how they both shine and get the recognition they deserve. Lastly, from season one, we have “Somebody to Love” sung by Cory Monteith as Finn, Michele, and the cast's background vocals are almost close to magic. I will casually listen to it, just because I can. It may be because of the nostalgia I have for the characters, but it truly is a beautiful piece to hear the glee cast sing. Plus, Riley's high note in her solo is groundbreaking.
All in all, I love the song covers picked and how it suits each vocalist’s ranges and tones. If you haven’t seen Glee, and you've been inspired to, check it out on Disney+.