Forget being sad after a breakup! Instead, embrace the feels by going for a drive with the windows down or hang out with friends listening to Adult Leisure’s new single, “Borderline”. In 2020, Adult Leisure formed and blessed the UK with multiple tours. In September, they plan to continue making their mark by playing at “Sweden’s Live At Heart Festival”, as noted by their press release.
Adult Leisure establishes, “Borderline was inspired by the break-up of a long term relationship around that time for vocalist Neil Scott and the feeling of hindsight in the months following it.” A good artist makes music for their fans, but a great artist connects with their fans by making honest music they can relate to. Scott’s vulnerability about his personal breakup allows “a strange balance of the situation being incredibly personal yet not alone”.
“Borderline” brings a unique sonic sound of dance and rock with guitarist David Woolford and bassist James Laing, while working alongside their producer Ollie Searle. As someone who enjoys music, I appreciate the guitar and drum solos. Lyrics are important, but the beat speaks for itself. The drums and the guitar pair well together creating a magnetizing beat. You can hear how each instrument contributes to this addictive, radiant song. You HAVE TO get up and dance; it’s mandatory. In addition, to the beat literally moving to the drums, the honest lyrics caress your heart. This song reminds me of the 80s / 90s aesthetic—I can almost see an opening scene from a John Hughes film playing as I listen to this song.