Ethereal Vocals in ROREY’s New Single, “Soho Grand”

Ethereal Vocals in ROREY’s New Single, “Soho Grand”


The difference between a good artist and a great artist is that a good artist uses their platform for good, but a great artist uses their platform for good AND for others to connect to the music by being vulnerable. ROREY a 24-year-old GREAT artist with her new single, “Soho Grand,” out now.  

ROREY has always maintained a passion for music–when she was six years old she learned to play a guitar and by 14 years old, she taught herself how to play a piano. In 2021, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, during which she wrote “Soho Grand.” It’s important to note that mental health needs to be talked about more, as it’s important for anyone and everyone. Thus, it’s beautiful that ROREY stays open with her fans lyrically through her music. 

“SoHo Grand” is about questioning “will this feeling last forever? Does it ever get better?’ I’m sure we all pondered this in our own lives. ROREY explains, “I think we’ve all been at a place where we wondered if things would ever get better. That feeling kept me from seeking help because, for a while, I thought, What’s the point if it never does? Spoiler alert—it did. Healing isn’t linear; for me, it took years of commitment and surrender. To anyone looking for relief, I’d encourage you to lean into the uncertainty. Trust the process—it’s worth it.” 

I love how music can fit any mood you are in. I love it even more when I can connect to the music because then the song reminds you of someone or even reminds you of yourself. Music sometimes is like looking in the mirror. Sometimes you don’t notice little things about yourself, but if you look closely, you will–“Soho Grand” leaves you with that feeling. It’s unique because the lyrics are beautifully honest leaving the listeners connecting with ROREY. You may be able to find bits and pieces of yourself in between the lines, I know I did. 

The beat has a steady acoustic guitar and uses drums to bring out the Indie/Pop with a dreamy vibe. Her voice sounds timeless with lots of grace and elegance. ROREY’s passion is driven through her music and I can’t wait to hear what else she has in store. It’s only up from here for her! As ROREY once said “I think I say out loud what some people are afraid to say. It keeps me going to know my songs help people get in touch with their emotions.” In other words, listen to “Soho Grand” to feel something! 

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