Alert! Alert! I just found your new favorite pop artist: Little Hurt! He’s also known as Colin Dieden. The name Little Hurt came from his baseball name, but its message is much bigger than that. Dieden explains “When you hear the music, I want you to feel like you’re not the only crazy person in the world…We’re all a little hurt, and it’s okay.” In other words, Little Hurt is all of us when we feel down and Dieden wants us to know that we aren’t alone. Little did you know, he’s not new to the music industry, as he toured for almost a decade with Mowgli’s. In 2019, Dieden decided to find his soundscape and write for Little Hurt.
Now, Little Hurt recently released their newest single, “Wasteland.” It discusses the feelings we feel when we are living in a messy world of our minds and the world around us. I love when artists use catchy beats to share their vulnerable lyrics because, although we love our sad songs, sometimes we need music to express how we feel and bring us back from our slumps with a spectacular beat. Especially when a song has claps in it—it’s hard to resist the urge not to clap with the music. Sometimes you cry it out and other times you dance it out. And that is A-OK!
The song reminds me of the early 2000s vibes. Someone make a coming-of-age film and add this in their intro because it feels so nostalgic. I love it! Dieden explains, “There were things I needed to say by myself. I started writing about who I am and my life totally unfiltered. I’ve got a complicated head and can be my own worst enemy. I’ve battled anxiety and depression forever so I built a place to deal with these heavier subjects. I’m not always the happy guy, but I’m happy opening up like I have here.” In other words, Dieden has found his soundscape and is using it to his advantage to express himself. As he’s being himself, he gives his listeners the opportunity to be themselves too. Check out “Wasteland” and enjoy the relatable lyrics and the burst of energy you will gain listening!