I gravitated instantly to the beat of Krooked Tongue’s new single “Nothing Ever Grows”—I haven't heard of this band prior, but they earned themselves a new fan. Krooked Tongue is a band of three: Oli Rainsford; lead vocalist and bass, Harry Pritchard; drums, and Dan Smith; guitar and vocalist. In May 2023, Krooked Tongue created a sound suiting their band’s goals and overall energy when releasing “Deathproof”—that single allowed “the start of the band’s evolution… there was a refreshed maturity to their songwriting and an evident progression in their sound.” It’s evident that the band has found its groove, as this new single is full of fun, energetic alternative rock.
The passion is heard through each strum of the guitar, hit of the drums, and strong lyric. Oli Rainsford shares his thoughts on the single: “‘Nothing Ever Grows' is a right moody geezer of a song. It was one of those tunes that transpired really quickly and it just captured the essence of the mood perfectly. I think it stems from frustration with yourself when you can't finish that idea, or that lyric. It's an ode to the tortured artist. It's a splash of cold water, a slap across the face followed by a shot of whiskey. A defibrillating wake up call to say 'Oi, if you don't get yourself in a better headspace, nothing good or prosperous can come out of it'”.
The importance of “breaking free” from our own sabotages is highlighted through the lyrics and the energetic beat—“Nothing Ever Grows” has a unique beat that inspires listeners’ bodies to dance and rock on. Guitars will forever be my weakness as there’s something special about the high and low pitches that captures my attention. The single is overall a huge step for the band, as they continue to solidify their soundscape. Keep Krooked Tongue on your radar!