In this nostalgic, post-emo anthem, join Troubled Minds in their new release for “The Things We Mend,” released on October 11th. The song takes me back to when I would stay in my cousin’s basement playing whatever video games were popular at the time.
The band’s influences include The Wonder Years, Transit, and Title Flight. They gained traction from their 2022 album Disconnect. They toured across the country and shared the stage with Real Friends, Turnover, Heart Attack Man and The Home Team. This round, they came in with a new single called “The Things We Mend.” According to the release, the lead vocalist Matt Aldawood states, “The song is about following your life's calling despite circumstances that may be holding you back. We believe that every person has a purpose, and the pursuit of fulfilling that purpose is a form of self-love. We hope that our fans hear this message through our music, and are inspired to live a life full of self-love and purpose.”
The band has an incredible way of evoking a nostalgic sound, and if you’re as emotional as I am, it makes you slightly longing to recreate some old memories with friends. Things have been stressful these past years, but when I first watched the music video, I was moved to see a group of friends having fun and living in the moment. I can truly see the connection they have with each other. This is a great way to end 2024 and enter into the new year. The band reminds me of the days I first listened to All Time Low, Simple Plan, and Blink 182, so if you’re interested in those songs, make sure to check this band out!
If you want a taste of this band, Troubled Minds will be making an appearance in multiple festivals like The Fest, Southwest Emo Fest, Gnargaritaville, and South Tex Emo Fest!